
Aidan O’Mahony Visits Home From Home

Aidan O’Mahony visited us with his boots which he gave to Diarmuid at Home From Home.  The boots have been sold by auction at the  Kerryman’s Association, London, Dinner on Friday night for a sum of £23,000 sterling they will be returned to us in a glass box for display at Home from Home, Ballydowney, Killarney

Aidan O'Mahony visited us with his boots which he gave to Diarmuid at Home From Home.


Home from Home Afterschool Service for Children with Special Needs, Ballydowney, Killarney, 064 6671705

A public meeting of the Home from Home service will be held on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 in the Malton Hotel at 7.00 pm.
All interested persons and parents are invited to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is to highlight the importance of the service going forward and seek new board/committee members to help with the running of this service.

For further information please contact 064 6671705 or Mick (087 9104546)


March Flag Day

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed or helped Home from Home throughout the previous year and welcome any new assistance in the future. Please call to or phone Home from Home, 9/10 The Paddocks, Ballydowney, Killarney 064 6671705. Also a thank you to All who supported our flag day on Saturday 30th March 2014 we appreciate all who helped on the day and all who contributed to our cause.

  • 2021 All rights reserved © Home From Home After School Service For Children with Disabilities Design By Kerry Flyer
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